I need a massage
I need a massage
I am available for massages, consultations, panchakarma and specialised treatments. If you have any pain, please call me, Ayurvedic treatments are especially good at eliminating painful joints and backs.
My number is 07900 422915 or you can always text me, I am happy to talk through any option with you.
The economy is challenging I am very aware, and it is very real. Please do call me and be open with your goals and your challenges. As a team we can work it out together. Communication is the first step.
Susie Brinton owner of Amla Health is featured talking about her business, based in Balham, London. The article is an introduction to Ayurveda and explains what it is, how it can help every individual and the opportunity that Ayurveda has to expand during this next decade into our healthcare system. Check out Press
WR MagazineTestimonials and Press
Amla Health feature - April 2019
I was one of three Ayurvedic Practitioners who participated in this Panchakarma Retreat based in central Poland for 2 weeks. Organised by Karolina Raczynskya it was a great success.
Set in an idyllic spot located in Sulejów Landscape Park, we were located in the Ashram owned by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (The Art Of Living).
This retreat included a 12 day treatment plan that included Panchakarma techniques of the highest standards. All panchkarma were tailored and made fresh daily to ensure the best quality treatments. Massages and shirodhara were included as daily treatment and holistic health needs catered through yoga and meditation. It included 24 hour residential care, daily consultations, daily treatments, yoga, meditation and freshly prepared food allied to your treatment.
The treatment was authentic and detailed.
Took place between 14th September - 25th September 2020
Ayurvedic Panchakarma Retreat